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Rasiah Halil attended the International Writing Programme at the University of Iowa, USA, on a Fulbright scholarship in 1995. She taught Malay language and literature at St. Andrew’s Junior College (July 1985-February 1987), lectured on Malay-Indonesian literature (modern and classical) and Malay language at the University of Brunei Darussalam (March 1987-April 1990), the National University of Singapore (July 1990-July 1991) and the National Institute of Education (Dec. 1991-August 1995- on a part-time and later, full-time basis).

Rasiah writes poetry, short story, essay, and does translations. Her works have been published since March 1972 in Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei.

Her books/ anthologies are:

1.Perbualan: Buku Catatan Seorang Gipsi (Conversations: Notebook of a Gypsy, 1988, poetry in Malay and English).

2.Orang Luar (The Outsider, 1991, short story)

3. Sungai & Lautan (The River & the Ocean, 1995, poetry)

4.Ayah Tidak Sayang Padaku Lagi (Father No Longer Loves Me, 2007, short story and drama)

5.Hikayat Sri Anggerik (The Chronicles of Sri Anggerik, 2007, various genres written in Malay and a few in English).

Her writings have been published in various literary journals and magazines: Sasterawan (Singapore), Singa (Singapore), Jejak Kembara (Singapore), Gempur/Suara Mahasiswa (Singapore) Mekar (Singapore), Harapan (Singapore), Prospect (Singapore), Ripples/Waves (Singapore), Her World (Singapore)  Dewan Sastera (Malaysia), Malay Literature Journal (Malaysia), Tenggara (Malaysia), Perisa (Malaysia), Jelita (Malaysia) Bahana (Brunei), Pangsura (Brunei), 100 Words (Iowa), besides the newspapers and radio channel.  Her writings can also found in these books:

1.Puisi-Puisi Nusantara (Poems of the Malay Archipelago, 1981, contributing poet),

2.Kehilangan (Loss, 1985, contributing short story writer)

3.The Poetry of Singapore (1985, contributing poet and translator),

4.The Fiction of Singapore (1990, contributing short story writer),

5.Cinta Adalah Secangkir Sup Ayam (Love Is A Cup Of Chicken Soup, 1992, translation of Yuksel Soylemez’s anthology of poems into Malay)

6.Brunei Darussalam (1993, editor)

7.Teks: Cerminan Nilai Budaya Bangsa (The Text: A Reflection of Societal Values, 1994, contributing essay writer),

8.Journeys: Words, Home and Nation (1995, contributing poet),

9.More Than Half the Sky (1998, contributing poet [poems written in English] ),

10.Memories & Desires ( 1998, contributing poet and translator)

11.Ensiklopedia Sejarah & Kebudayaan Melayu (Encyclopedia of Malay History & Culture, 1998-1999, contributing essay writer)

12.Cakerawala Nusantara ( Stars of the Malay Archipelago, 1999, contributing poet),

13.Rhythms (2000, contributing poet and translator),

14.Citra Minda (Images of Thoughts, 2003, contributing essay writer)

15.Potret Diri Seorang Penyair (Self Portrait of a Poet, 2004, contributing poet)

16.Sastera Nusantara. Warisan dan Harapan (Literature of the Malay Archipelago. Its Heritage and Aspirations, 2006, contributing essay writer.)

17.Columnist for Berita Minggu Singapore from July 1998 - June 2006, writing stories of human interest (fortnightly) using the pen-name of  “Sri Anggerik”

18.Columnist for Berita Minggu Singapore since July 2004 until today, writing literary issues and critiques using the pen-name of “Tun Fatimah”

She received commendation and literature awards for her poetry, essays and books since 1983. Rasiah has had her stints as a part-time TV documentary producer (SBC), script writer (Radio Singapura) in the 1980s and editor for Times Publishing/Editions in the 1990s and the early years of the millennium. She is currently a trainer and translator.

Karya yang saya terlibat adalah :

1.Perbualan: Buku Catatan Seorang Gipsi (Conversations: Notebook of a Gypsy; my anthology of poems in Malay and English, 1988)

2.Orang Luar (The Outsider; my anthology of short stories, 1991)

3.Sungai & Lautan (The River & the Ocean; my anthology of poems, 1995)

4.Puisi-Puisi Nusantara (Poems of the Malay Archipelago; poems, 1981---contributing poet)

5.The Poetry of Singapore (poems, 1985---contributing poet and translator*)

6.Kehilangan (Loss; short story, 1985---contributing writer)

7.The Fiction of Singapore(short story, 1993---contributing writer)

8.Love Is A Cup of Chicken Soup (poems by Yuksel Soylemez, 1993---translator*)

9.Brunei Darussalam (a book about Brunei, 1993---editor)

10.Teks Cerminan Nilai Budaya Bangsa (The Text: A Reflection of Societal Values; essays, 1994---contributing writer)

11.Journeys: Words, Home and Nation (poems, 1995---contributing poet)

12.Ensiklopedia Sejarah & Kebudayaan Melayu (Encyclopaedia of Malay History and Culture; essays, 1998-99---contributing writer)

13.More Than Half the Sky (various genres, 1998---contributing poet)

14.Memories and Desires (poems, 1998---contributing poet)

15.Cakerawala Nusantara (Stars of the Malay Archipelago; poems and paintings, 1999---contributing poet)

16.Rhythm (poems, 2000---contributing poet and translator*).

17.Citra Minda (Images of Thoughts ; essays, 2003---contributing writer)

18.Potret Diri Seorang Penyair (Self Portrait of a Poet; poems, 2004----contributing poet)

19.Percikan Rasa A. Ghani Hamid (Extracts of Feelings of A. Ghani Hamid ; poems and paintings, 2005----contributing translator*)

20.Sastera Nusantara. Warisan Dan Harapan.(Literature of the Malay Archipelago. Its Heritage and Hopes; essays, 2006----contributing writer).

21.Other works: poems, short stories, essays, articles, and translations published in several newspapers and journals in Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei. Edited a few books for Times Editions, Singapore. Has a column in the Malay daily, Berita Harian/Minggu. *Translator: in both languages, Malay and English.


Rasiah Halil (Rashidah Bte Shaik Abdul Halim)



Tarikh Lahir




Honorary Fellow in Creative Writing - University of Iowa

Menerima beberapa pengiktirafan dari Majlis Bahasa Melayu Singapura dalam penulisan



B. A. Univeristi Singapura


M.A. Universiti Nasional Singapura


Diploma in Education(PGDE) Universiti Nasional Singapura